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Welcome to the 2014-2015 school year. I am very excited to see all the students this year in my Technology Application class. Your children will be learning so much this year. They will be bringing home products that they have completed in tech apps class this year. I have created this webpage to give students a variety of resources they can use at home. Please feel free to email me at any time. Pleaase feel free to email me anytime at


Mrs. Crane's Tech App Class

Come prepared to learn

Open your mind to learn new things

Make good choices

Plug in your earphones

Use good manners

Team work

Effort is always rewarded

Raise your flag

Stay in your seat



    Computer Schedule      

8:15-9:15        4th Grade    

9:25-10:25      3rd Grade   

10:35-11:35     2nd Grade   

11:35-12:05     Lunch          

12:05-1:05      Conference 

1:05-2:05       Kindergarten

2:10-3:10       1st Grade     

Cabaniss Elementary Motto


I will succeed!! I will work hard, plan smart, and do my best from the very start. I will be a leader and lend a helping hand because I know in my heart that Cabaniss Kids Can! I can!

You can!

Click here to go to Cabaniss' webpage

Internet Safety

Parent Visits to Classrooms


Visits to individual classrooms during instructional time are permitted only with approval of the principal and teacher and only so long as their duration or frequency does not interfere with the delivery of instruction or disrupt the normal school environment. Even if the visit is approved prior to the visitor’s arrival, the individual must check in at the main office first.

Look How Technology has evolved!!!




Cell Phones


Game Consoles

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